PTS is excited to announce Pavement Testing Systems, a division of the Pavement Technical Solutions, Inc. company focused on pavement testing equipment to include manufacturing, maintenance, and calibration of the JILS Gen2 the 2nd generation of the JILS FWD and HWD machines. Click here for more information.


Pavement Technical Solutions (PTS) Services

PTS provides a wide range of pavement services and state-of-the-art solutions with exceptional results.

PTS offers a wide range of PMS services for roads, airports, and seaports as well as both maintenance and asset management systems. Our personnel have years of experience in conducting and implementing PMS for airports in accordance with industry standards ASTM 5340-12, “Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys” and FAA AC 150/5380-6B, “Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements”. Additionally, PTS personnel have successfully implemented PMS for roadway and parking networks including several military installations in accordance with ASTM 6433-11, “Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys”. Proper management of pavement networks and their assets enables PTS’s clients to optimize the decision making process on rehabilitation and repair options, maintenance, and associated costs to maximize their available resources.

PTS has the specialized experience and ability to conduct either a Network-Level pavement condition survey or a Project-Level pavement condition survey. All airfield and roadway Pavement Condition Index (PCI) surveys are conducted in accordance to industry standards ASTM 5340-12, “Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys”, FAA AC 150/5380-6B, “Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements”, and ASTM 6433-11, “Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys”.

A Network-Level pavement condition survey includes a representative random sampling of pavement area to be inspected. Inspections are conducted utilizing hand-held computers operating the latest version of PAVER Field Inspector for easy and error-free integration with the pavement network’s PAVER database.

A Project-Level pavement condition survey includes a 100% visual survey of the entire pavement surface. During a Project-Level pavement condition survey all pavement distresses and severities are mapped utilizing either station or GPS coordinates. This detailed documentation of existing distresses is easily transferred to plans and specifications which can be used for maintenance and repair of the pavement surface.

PTS has completed development of two custom built, state-of-the-art roughness profilers. Our profilers are capable of recording the data necessary for analysis of Single Event Bumps and Profile Roughness of runways and taxiways per FAA Advisory Circular 150/5380-9, "Guidelines and Procedures for Measuring Airfield Pavement Roughness." The FAA-developed ProFAA software will be used for the analysis of the recorded data. The recorded profile data is imported into PROFAA and is used to compute various indexes that characterize smoothness in terms of the Boeing Bump Index (BBI), simulated straight edge, and International Roughness Index (IRI). The profilers can also measure runway grooving geometry. Custom ProGroov software provides summary grooving statistics for groove width, depth, and spacing over specified section lengths.

The PTS profilers are extremely portable, lightweight, and compact allowing for rapid and low-cost transport to any project location, worldwide. The profilers are transported to and from project sites in a single hard-shell case that travels easily with the field inspector. The ease of transport allows for the mobilization and demobilization costs to be minimized, providing the client with a cost savings.

Our profilers can be applied to roadways for analysis of the ride quality, or Ride Number, of the pavement surface in accordance with ASTM E1489-08, "Standard Practice for Computing Ride Number of Roads from Longitudinal Profile Measurements Made by an Inertial Profile Measuring Device."

PTS has the capability to perform Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) with either our in-house Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) or our in-house Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD). FWD/HWD testing, often referred to as NDT, simulates a moving wheel load of either a vehicle for roadway pavements or an aircraft for airport pavements. For large civil international airports, PTS has the ability to perform HWD testing to simulate the moving wheel load of large trucks, cranes, and large aircraft, such as the Airbus A-380.

PTS's Dynatest Model 8000 FWD is capable of producing loads up to 34,000 pounds while PTS’s Dynatest Model 8081 HWD is capable of producing loads up to 55,000 pounds. The FWD and HWD are both run on a state-of-the-art control system using the on-board laptop compatible with Windows 7/8. Both the FWD and HWD are equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and a video monitoring system for operator assistance during testing. Finally, the FWD and HWD are each equipped with nine deflection sensing transducers, or deflectors, which conform to Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) calibration protocol procedures.

PTS has found that conducting visual field inspections combined with additional advanced structural testing techniques, such as NDT, reveals a more comprehensive profile of the existing pavement network conditions.

PTS has the ability to conduct both Network-Level and Project-Level pavement evaluations for new pavement structures and for rehabilitation projects of both roadway and airfield pavements. Network-Level pavement evaluations are typically conducted over the entire (or a large portion of) the network of pavements. The intent of a Network-Level pavement evaluation is to provide the client an overview of the current functional and structural condition of the entire pavement network, while forecasting future conditions.

A detailed Project-Level pavement evaluation is typically conducted on a pavement prior to a structural or functional repair to a specific pavement section. The structural and functional testing and inspection of the existing pavement section is typically conducted at a higher rate during a Project-Level pavement evaluation to provide more detail during the development of rehabilitation and repair options.

Through both Network-Level and Project-Level pavement evaluations, PTS provides rehabilitation and repair options optimal for its client's long-term and short-term needs.

PTS has the ability to conduct pavement training, research, and software development projects for airport, highway, and seaport pavement systems which supply its clients with the required information and tools needed to design, build, repair, and maintain better performing and longer lasting pavements, while optimizing costs. PTS personnel have also performed numerous MicroPAVER and Pavement Condition Index (PCI) training courses for various military installations, civil airport authorities, and city and county government agencies.

PTS has the ability to develop and manipulate GIS shapefiles for pavement networks. GIS generated maps allow for the graphical display of information contained in a pavement network (airport or roadway). PTS utilizes the latest versions of AutoCAD Map and ArcMap to create and manipulate shapefiles at both the section and sample unit level for a pavement network.

Once a shapefile has been properly developed at the section level it may be linked to the MicroPAVER database utilizing MicroPAVER’s GIS Tools. This capability provides the user the ability to easily export valuable current and future condition maps in addition to inventory maps which, for example, may include section rank, surface type, and branch use, among other fields.

PTS personnel have years of experience and the ability to conduct on-call construction consultation to handle any Contractor Requests for Information (RFIs) and any potential plan and specification modifications during the bidding and construction phases of pavement repair and rehabilitation projects. PTS also offers quality control and construction inspection services.

PTS has added experienced geotechnical staff and we now offer geotechnical investigation and engineering services. Our staff has both local and national experience performing geotechnical evaluations for roadway subgrade investigations, subgrade stabilization, large rock cut slope design, shallow and deep foundations for both transportation and vertical construction projects, slope stability analyses, landslide stabilization design, and retaining walls.

Striving for excellence
in service we provide

We take pride in working with our clients to make their projects successful. Have a look at some of our past projects and see what customers are saying about our work.

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Featured Services

Pavement Management Systems (PMS)

PTS offers a wide range of PMS services for roads, airports, and seaports as well as both maintenance and asset management systems. Our personnel have years of experience in conducting and implementing PMS for airports in accordance with industry standards ASTM 5340-12, “Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys” and FAA AC 150/5380-6B, “Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements”. Additionally, PTS personnel have successfully implemented PMS for roadway and parking networks including several military installations in accordance with ASTM 6433-11, “Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys”. Proper management of pavement networks and their assets enables PTS’s clients to optimize the decision making process on rehabilitation and repair options, maintenance, and associated costs to maximize their available resources.

Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering

PTS has added experienced geotechnical staff and we now offer geotechnical investigation and engineering services. Our staff has both local and national experience performing geotechnical evaluations for roadway subgrade investigations, subgrade stabilization, large rock cut slope design, shallow and deep foundations for both transportation and vertical construction projects, slope stability analyses, landslide stabilization design, and retaining walls.

Construction Consultation

PTS personnel have years of experience and the ability to conduct on-call construction consultation to handle any Contractor Requests for Information (RFIs) and any potential plan and specification modifications during the bidding and construction phases of pavement repair and rehabilitation projects. PTS also offers quality control and construction inspection services.

Pavement Visual Inspections

PTS has the specialized experience and ability to conduct either a Network-Level pavement condition survey or a Project-Level pavement condition survey. All airfield and roadway Pavement Condition Index (PCI) surveys are conducted in accordance to industry standards ASTM 5340-12, “Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys”, FAA AC 150/5380-6B, “Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements”, and ASTM 6433-11, “Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys”.

A Network-Level pavement condition survey includes a representative random sampling of pavement area to be inspected. Inspections are conducted utilizing hand-held computers operating the latest version of PAVER Field Inspector for easy and error-free integration with the pavement network’s PAVER database.

A Project-Level pavement condition survey includes a 100% visual survey of the entire pavement surface. During a Project-Level pavement condition survey all pavement distresses and severities are mapped utilizing either station or GPS coordinates. This detailed documentation of existing distresses is easily transferred to plans and specifications which can be used for maintenance and repair of the pavement surface.

Construction Consultation

PTS personnel have years of experience and the ability to conduct on-call construction consultation to handle any Contractor Requests for Information (RFIs) and any potential plan and specification modifications during the bidding and construction phases of pavement repair and rehabilitation projects. PTS also offers quality control and construction inspection services.

Pavement Visual Inspections

PTS has the specialized experience and ability to conduct either a Network-Level pavement condition survey or a Project-Level pavement condition survey. All airfield and roadway Pavement Condition Index (PCI) surveys are conducted in accordance to industry standards ASTM 5340-12, “Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys”, FAA AC 150/5380-6B, “Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements”, and ASTM 6433-11, “Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys”.

A Network-Level pavement condition survey includes a representative random sampling of pavement area to be inspected. Inspections are conducted utilizing hand-held computers operating the latest version of PAVER Field Inspector for easy and error-free integration with the pavement network’s PAVER database.

A Project-Level pavement condition survey includes a 100% visual survey of the entire pavement surface. During a Project-Level pavement condition survey all pavement distresses and severities are mapped utilizing either station or GPS coordinates. This detailed documentation of existing distresses is easily transferred to plans and specifications which can be used for maintenance and repair of the pavement surface.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

PTS has the ability to develop and manipulate GIS shapefiles for pavement networks. GIS generated maps allow for the graphical display of information contained in a pavement network (airport or roadway). PTS utilizes the latest versions of AutoCAD Map and ArcMap to create and manipulate shapefiles at both the section and sample unit level for a pavement network.

Once a shapefile has been properly developed at the section level it may be linked to the MicroPAVER database utilizing MicroPAVER’s GIS Tools. This capability provides the user the ability to easily export valuable current and future condition maps in addition to inventory maps which, for example, may include section rank, surface type, and branch use, among other fields.

Roughness Profiler Testing

PTS has completed development of two custom built, state-of-the-art roughness profilers. Our profilers are capable of recording the data necessary for analysis of Single Event Bumps and Profile Roughness of runways and taxiways per FAA Advisory Circular 150/5380-9, "Guidelines and Procedures for Measuring Airfield Pavement Roughness." The FAA-developed ProFAA software will be used for the analysis of the recorded data. The recorded profile data is imported into PROFAA and is used to compute various indexes that characterize smoothness in terms of the Boeing Bump Index (BBI), simulated straight edge, and International Roughness Index (IRI). The profilers can also measure runway grooving geometry. Custom ProGroov software provides summary grooving statistics for groove width, depth, and spacing over specified section lengths.

The PTS profilers are extremely portable, lightweight, and compact allowing for rapid and low-cost transport to any project location, worldwide. The profilers are transported to and from project sites in a single hard-shell case that travels easily with the field inspector. The ease of transport allows for the mobilization and demobilization costs to be minimized, providing the client with a cost savings.

Our profilers can be applied to roadways for analysis of the ride quality, or Ride Number, of the pavement surface in accordance with ASTM E1489-08, "Standard Practice for Computing Ride Number of Roads from Longitudinal Profile Measurements Made by an Inertial Profile Measuring Device."

Technical Training Courses, Research, and Software Development

PTS has the ability to conduct pavement training, research, and software development projects for airport, highway, and seaport pavement systems which supply its clients with the required information and tools needed to design, build, repair, and maintain better performing and longer lasting pavements, while optimizing costs. PTS personnel have also performed numerous MicroPAVER and Pavement Condition Index (PCI) training courses for various military installations, civil airport authorities, and city and county government agencies.

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

PTS has the capability to perform Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) with either our in-house Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) or our in-house Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD). FWD/HWD testing, often referred to as NDT, simulates a moving wheel load of either a vehicle for roadway pavements or an aircraft for airport pavements. For large civil international airports, PTS has the ability to perform HWD testing to simulate the moving wheel load of large trucks, cranes, and large aircraft, such as the Airbus A-380.

PTS's Dynatest Model 8000 FWD is capable of producing loads up to 34,000 pounds while PTS’s Dynatest Model 8081 HWD is capable of producing loads up to 55,000 pounds. The FWD and HWD are both run on a state-of-the-art control system using the on-board laptop compatible with Windows 7/8. Both the FWD and HWD are equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and a video monitoring system for operator assistance during testing. Finally, the FWD and HWD are each equipped with nine deflection sensing transducers, or deflectors, which conform to Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) calibration protocol procedures.

PTS has found that conducting visual field inspections combined with additional advanced structural testing techniques, such as NDT, reveals a more comprehensive profile of the existing pavement network conditions.

Pavement Evaluation

PTS has the ability to conduct both Network-Level and Project-Level pavement evaluations for new pavement structures and for rehabilitation projects of both roadway and airfield pavements. Network-Level pavement evaluations are typically conducted over the entire (or a large portion of) the network of pavements. The intent of a Network-Level pavement evaluation is to provide the client an overview of the current functional and structural condition of the entire pavement network, while forecasting future conditions.

A detailed Project-Level pavement evaluation is typically conducted on a pavement prior to a structural or functional repair to a specific pavement section. The structural and functional testing and inspection of the existing pavement section is typically conducted at a higher rate during a Project-Level pavement evaluation to provide more detail during the development of rehabilitation and repair options.

Through both Network-Level and Project-Level pavement evaluations, PTS provides rehabilitation and repair options optimal for its client's long-term and short-term needs.

Pavement Management Systems (PMS)

PTS offers a wide range of PMS services for roads, airports, and seaports as well as both maintenance and asset management systems. Our personnel have years of experience in conducting and implementing PMS for airports in accordance with industry standards ASTM 5340-12, “Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys” and FAA AC 150/5380-6B, “Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements”. Additionally, PTS personnel have successfully implemented PMS for roadway and parking networks including several military installations in accordance with ASTM 6433-11, “Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys”. Proper management of pavement networks and their assets enables PTS’s clients to optimize the decision making process on rehabilitation and repair options, maintenance, and associated costs to maximize their available resources.

We accomplish
successful projects

Our capability to perform Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) as well as Structural Evaluation can help you maintain your Airfield Pavements. Review some examples of our past projects.

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